
When should you follow up on a job application?

If you're like most job applicants, you've probably asked yourself this question more than once. You've spent time and energy perfecting your job application, tweaking your CV and writing an inspiring and compelling email to the company you're applying to. You've hit the send button and now all you can do is wait. Or can you?

This question may seem like a minor detail in the overall job search process, but it's actually a key component that can determine whether you get hired or not. Following up on a job application is a delicate balancing act between being proactive and eager - and avoiding being pushy. Timing is everything and it can be frustrating to navigate this gray area without clear guidelines. But why is follow-up so important? And what can you as a business owner do to optimize your recruitment process?

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Why is follow-up so important?

It's a common experience that applicants feel a particular need to follow up on a job application. This is because in many smaller companies, HR specialists are not the ones reviewing job applications. Instead, it's managers with full-time positions who carry this dual responsibility of both performing their normal duties and managing the recruitment process.

As a result, as an applicant, you often don't receive a simple confirmation that your application has been received. In some cases, you may never hear from the company again! This is not good for the company's image and employer branding - and many companies miss out on talented employees who could have made the company better. 

As a rule of thumb, it's a good idea to follow up on a job application about 14 days after it has been sent out. But should it really be a necessity to follow up on job applications?

elvium recruitment system

Elvium's efficient recruitment system for companies

Many applicants choose to write a follow-up to get a status update. While most managers will appreciate the proactivity, it can unfortunately also add to the already high workload of the manager, creating unnecessary stress. That's why we at Elvium have developed an automated recruitment systemthat streamlines the recruitment process.

Elvium offers a solution that provides all applicants with a confirmation that their application has been received - automatically. This helps keep applicants informed and ensures they have no doubt that their application is being processed. Employees can easily review applications and all candidates are evaluated on equal terms.

Better candidates in less time

The result is a streamlined recruitment process that not only saves time - but also offers a fairer and more transparent procedure. Better candidates can be identified faster and all applicants are treated with the respect they deserve.

We provide your company with a link to your recruitment site that you can share on your company's LinkedIn page. This way, more talented candidates, who are often busy, can easily apply for a position in your company. When the application process requires no more than a single click, your company can rest assured that it's not missing out on great talent because they're too busy to take the time to send an application your way.

Make your job search process more stress-free by using an efficient recruitment system like Elvium's. Take your company's recruitment process to the next level and set the course for success.

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