DISC analysis through Elvium

With Elvium, you can get a fully integrated solution where you invite your applicants to a DISC analysis directly through the recruitment system. Elvium DISC solution is delivered in collaboration with our supplier ANTES DISC.


A unified solution

With Elvium, you get a fully integrated solution where you can invite your applicants for a DISC analysis directly via the recruitment system. The results from the DISC analysis also come directly into the candidate profile. See more integrations and find your match.

A DISC analysis gives you insight into:

  • What behavior you can expect from the person, as well as their thoughts and feelings
  • What areas a person will focus on and prioritize first
  • What areas a person will find interesting

Minimize the number of bad hires

With DISC as an analysis tool, you'll find that you'll minimize the number of recruitment errors, saving you many resources. The analysis can also help you create effective team compositions where employees complement each other to achieve the best possible teamwork.

We offer you the DISC analysis at an advantageous price, as we are able to purchase tests in large quantities for each company.

Benefits of the DISC integration:

Professional analysis tool

ANTES DISC is an updated and validated personal profile that shows natural as well as work-related behavior.

ANTES DISC is validated with a Danish norm group and is based on easy-to-understand language. The four individual behavioral tendencies have the following validation:

D: 0.89 / I: 0.87 / S: 0.87 / C: 0.87

This means you have the best conditions to achieve a result that reflects Danish norms and work culture.

What is DISC?

The DISC analysis is a personality test based on four different personality types: D (dominant/direct), I (inspirational/impulsive), S (stable/calm) and C (analytical/systematic). The test measures a person's way of thinking, feeling and behaving and can be useful for both individual and organizational purposes. The DISC analysis is one of the world's most popular tools for creating personal profiles. DISC profiles are based on a simple system that measures both conscious and unconscious behavior of the candidate. 

Why is DISC important?

The DISC profile is built around the DISC model, which is a psychometric model that describes four basic behavioral patterns. Each behavioral pattern in the DISC model is represented by a color: Dominance (red), Influence (yellow), Stability (green) and Carefulness (blue).

This color coding is used to make it easier to understand and remember the different behavioral patterns in the DISC model. It can also help visualize and compare different DISC profiles, as the colors provide a visual representation of where a person scores high or low on the different behaviors.

The colors have also become part of the popular terminology in DISC, talking about "red" people who have a high dominance profile or "green" people who have a high stability profile. This makes it easier to identify and talk about the different behavioral patterns and can help create a common understanding and language around the DISC model and profiles.


Why work with DISC?

DISC analysis can provide valuable insights into a person's personality and behavioral patterns that can be used to enhance well-being and collaboration in the workplace. By understanding your own and others' DISC profiles, you can better adapt your communication and collaboration style to others, which can improve working relationships and reduce conflict.

Overcome challenges

DISC analysis can also help identify strengths and challenges in a person's behavioral patterns and personality traits. By using this insight, you can focus on developing and strengthening your strengths while working to overcome any challenges. This can lead to increased wellbeing and satisfaction in the workplace, and it can also increase your efficiency and productivity at work.

In short, DISC analysis can provide a deeper insight into your personality and behavioral patterns that can be used to create a more harmonious and effective work environment.

Expansion modules for the system

HR, management and each department get a full overview of what activities need to be completed to get a new employee off to a good start. Read more here.

Automatic contract generation with candidate personal data collection and digital signature. Read more here.

Make a better first impression when you request video in the application process. Here, candidates can upload a video of themselves that can streamline your recruitment. Read more here.

We offer many recruiter features for recruiters who recruit for their clients. Among other things, external customers can access selected candidates securely and professionally. Read more here.

Set up a career site with Elvium. The career site, which you can build yourself in our recruitment system, requires no IT resources and allows you to develop your own employer branding universe. Read more here.

With Elvium, you can get a fully integrated solution where you can invite your applicants to a personality test via the recruitment system.


Do you have questions about DISC analysis?

DISC is one of the most widely used and reputable personal profiling tools in the world, successfully used by organizations of all sizes to target recruitment, leadership, development, sales, negotiation, collaboration, team development and communication.

A DISC profile is a personal behavioral profile developed using the DISC tool, which is based on the DISC theory. DISC stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness, and these four factors describe a person's behavioral patterns and communication style.

A DISC profile can be used to gain a deeper understanding of a person's behavioral patterns, strengths, weaknesses, motivational factors and communication style. It is based on a series of questions answered by the person and the results are used to generate a report that describes the person's primary behavioral style and their tendencies to interact with others.
The DISC profile can be used in many contexts including personal development, coaching, recruitment, team building, conflict resolution and leadership.

The D in DISC analysis stands for Dominance. Dominance describes a person's tendency to be decisive, results-oriented, independent and direct in their communication. People who score high on Dominance typically like to take control and lead others and can be very determined and confident in their approach to tasks and challenges. On the other hand, they can sometimes be perceived as too aggressive or overwhelming by others if they are not aware of their communication style and behavior in social situations.

The I in DISC analysis stands for Influence. Influence describes a person's tendency to be outgoing, optimistic, expressive and socially focused in their communication. People who score high on Influence typically enjoy engaging with others and are good at convincing and inspiring others to support their ideas and initiatives. They are also typically very good at networking and establishing new relationships. On the other hand, they can sometimes be perceived as too superficial or impulsive in their decisions if they are not careful to consider all aspects of a situation.

The S in DISC analysis stands for Steadiness. Steadiness describes a person's tendency to be patient, cooperative, stable and loyal in their communication. People who score high on Steadiness typically like to create stability and harmony in their environment and are good at building long-term relationships and collaborating with others. They also have a good ability to listen and understand the views and needs of others. On the other hand, they can sometimes be perceived as too cautious or passive in their decisions if they are not mindful of taking initiative and acting when necessary.

The C in DISC analysis stands for Conscientiousness. Conscientiousness describes a person's tendency to be analytical, detail-oriented, careful and critical in their communication. People who score high on Conscientiousness typically like to be in control of their surroundings and tasks, and are good at planning and organizing their work in a structured way. They are also very precise and accurate in their work and like to follow rules and procedures carefully. On the other hand, they can sometimes be perceived as too perfectionist or hesitant in their decisions if they are not careful to balance their analysis with action and flexibility.


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