XL-BYG handles their recruitment processes across 31 different cooperative members, without being able to access each other's data

In 2021, XL-BYG had 275 job ads. It is therefore very important for their efficiency that HR only has to deal with the ads in one place - and that the different cooperative members only have access to their own recruitments.

xlbyg case

"Although the cooperative members work together in the XL-BYG chain, they are also each other's competitors. This means that there must be watertight barriers between the areas of Elvium that the cooperative members each have access to.
At the same time, the HR department at the chain office must have access to the entire platform and thus all the stores' job postings and applicants.
Our organizational structure is quite complex, but Elvium has managed to embrace this, and the system has been continuously developed according to our needs, so today it has all the functionalities we need."

Liselotte Christensen
HR & Communication Manager, XL-BYG

See what value Elvium creates

We visited our customer; XL-BYG - and here you can gain insight into what they achieve by using Elvium's recruitment system. In particular, they focus on how they ensure that it is possible for cooperative members to recruit without seeing each other's data across. However, the HR department can still manage all recruitments and be helpful to their cooperative members.

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