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Written guidelines about Elvium:
The most intuitive recruitment system.
Elvium reduces the administrative work when recruiting and gives you increased quality in the process.
Save time on your recruitment processes, increase diversity, strengthen your employer branding and get automatic screening - all in one e-recruitment solution.
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/ Body text - Montserrat, normal
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"You're all fired!"
Although these were not the exact words that were said, these were the words that most of Nokia's Danish employees heard. Jesper Andersen remembers the feeling of his body sinking deeper into the seat and the moment when everything went quiet around him. What would he do without a job?
As you can read in the article 'from leader to entrepreneur in one weekend', Jesper's tragedy was his luck. Because without the Danish Nokia shutdown, there would have been no Elvium. There would also have been one less intuitive recruitment system on the market.
By learning from Jesper's story, Elvium is now the most intuitive and user-friendly recruitment system on the market. A system created to take care of both busy recruiters and aspiring applicants with different IT skills.
Do you want to learn from history too?
Read more articles written about or by Elvium, see below.
2011 Jul
On Friday, Jesper quit Nokia - on Saturday he taped... Ingeniøren
2011 Dec
I'm off to Silicon Valley to acid test my idea! The Engineer
2012 Oct
Danish startup, Elvium, automates and screens...
2012 Dec
From business leader to entrepreneur in one weekend Iværksæ
2014 Sep
He was tired of others deciding
2016 Nov
Recruitment must be rethought Børsen, Future HR & Recruitment
2016 Dec
New investor makes Elvium ready to conquer abroad Press release
2016 Dec
Danish recruitment software receives million-dollar investment
Jan 2017
Data laziness is a threat to business survival
2017 Feb
Elvium wants to stand out via the new personal data rules