
With Elvium, there are many benefits if you are a recruitment agency or headhunting company, as external companies/clients can be invited to participate in e.g. ranking and screening candidates. Easy and secure.
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Recruitment system - with expansion module options

Get smart 'Recruiter' features

We have developed a number of features aimed directly at recruitment companies.

Here you will quickly experience an improvement and optimization of process and bottom line, freeing you from a daily routine of heavy processes through LinkedIn, email, Excel, Word, etc.

Elvium makes it possible to solve a recruitment task - also with many opportunities to use LinkedIn while staying GDPR compliant.

Optimize your recruitments

We have built Elvium so that the system is intuitive, embraces all steps in the recruitment process and can be used in interaction with the customer. This creates value for all parties.

Over the years, we have attracted several recruitment agencies that have implemented Elvium as part of their workflow.

Optimize the recruitment process with the following features:


  • Digitization of the candidate report.
  • Invitations to your customers to see selected candidates.
  • DISC analysis of candidates.
  • Topic bank/CV database with sorting options.
  • Build your candidate pipeline with different rounds from "Long List" to "Customer Presentation".
  • Importing data from LinkedIn.
  • Registration of candidates based on competence profile.
  • Precise control of what data the candidate needs to provide.
  • Customer branding via unique ad module.
  • GDPR compliance in all process steps.

Better screening

When you receive an assignment from a client, it may be because the client has failed to attract the right candidates themselves. Therefore, as a recruiter, it's not expected that you will receive many qualified candidates in a job posting.

Yet many recruitment systems choose to post the position on their own website, on LinkedIn and in selected groups. This is where employer branding plays an important role, as it, along with the recruiter's expertise, can lead to qualified candidates.

With Elvium, you also have the option of a built-in integration with LinkedIn, which allows candidates to be imported and included alongside those who have applied themselves.

DISC analysis is an integral part of Elvium

As a step in the recruitment process, more and more recruitment companies are using a DISC analysis. Therefore, you can easily get an integration of this as part of Elvium.

DISC is a popular personality test that is easy to understand and use. As a user, you end up with a color that describes your personal characteristics - this can be a great help for companies when matching the right personalities.

The right personality matches bring multiple benefits to the workplace:

  • Better communication
  • Better conflict management
  • Productive teams

Why say goodbye to the old candidate report?

Because it can be done efficiently and securely. Traditionally, copying data from a CV and application into a new document takes a long time. This takes a lot of time and then the information has to be forwarded to the customer by email, making it difficult to check that the document is deleted in a timely manner and stored correctly.

With Elvium, we allow you to enter this information directly into a candidate's profile and the customer is subsequently invited to a 'round' where the candidates are presented. The customer can give their rating and comments - all done digitally without file sharing. It's easy, efficient and the most secure way to handle GDPR.

How quickly does the investment pay off?

The short answer is the day you can say yes to an extra task. Elvium is designed to save you time - time that you can spend selling and completing more tasks.

In addition, a streamlined process can often be used as a positive component in sales work, where customers feel in safer hands. One system - where both you and the customer work in a structured way - results in shorter appointment times and higher quality.

This can be seen in customer satisfaction. We've seen a change in mindset in recent years - especially after GDPR was introduced in 2018. Previously, all recruiters tried to build large databases with their own data, where everything was recorded and written down.

Unfortunately, data becomes outdated quickly and it's difficult to search for relevant data. The modern approach is to use LinkedIn as a 'source' and then import relevant candidates for the specific job.

Expansion modules

DISC analysis

With Elvium, you can get a fully integrated solution where you can invite your applicants for a DISC analysis via the recruitment system.

Digital contract management

Automatic contract generation with candidate personal data collection and digital signature.


HR, management and each department get a full overview of what activities need to be completed to get a new employee off to a good start.

Video recruitment

Make a better first impression when you request video in the application process. Here, candidates can upload a video of themselves, which can streamline your recruitment.

Career site / Employer branding

Set up a career site with Elvium. The career site, which you can build yourself in our recruitment system, requires no IT resources and allows you to develop your own employer branding universe.

Want to see the best and most intuitive recruitment system on the market? 🚀

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You can explore Elvium for yourself in our demo universe. If you want a personalized demo, you can book a demo with one of our skilled colleagues.

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