
Four tricks when hiring Generation Y

Today there is a huge focus on Generation Z, but we still can't forget Generation Y. This generation, popularly known as millennials, is not just a generation - they make up the majority of the labor market today. Their unique behaviors and worldview have created a strong movement that is characterized by growing up in the digital era, adaptability and a unique philosophy of life.

But how can you, as a recruiter or HR manager, appeal to this generation? First and foremost, you need a clear picture of who Generation Y is.

So who exactly is Generation Y?

Generation Y is the generation of people born between 1977 and the mid-90s. This demographic has grown up alongside technology in a thriving digital age, making them experts in handling technology and social media as a natural part of their everyday lives.

So, technological skills are a strength for many Generation Ys. In terms of values, the generation values experiences and valuable relationships rather than material goods. This set of values can be transferred to the world of work, where the generation is not just looking for a quick job that pays well - but rather a role where they can make a real difference, learn new things and grow personally.

These are people who have a strong urge to find meaning and purpose in what they do - and thus many will value companies that actively contribute positively to society.

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While some may see Generation Y as impatient or demanding, the generation has a special ability to think innovatively - especially technologically - and this can contribute positively to many businesses. With Generation Y dominating the labor market today, it's important for recruitment professionals to understand how Generation Y can contribute to companies - and how the demographic can be recruited.

4 tips to understand and recruit Generation Y effectively:

1. Focus on engagement and motivation when selecting candidates

Unlike previous generations, it's far more common to meet a Generation Y candidate who is either unemployed or underemployed. Therefore, recruiters should be careful not to focus too much on experience - instead, look for personality traits or hobbies that indicate motivation and commitment.

Similarly, it's important to remind your candidates of the opportunities for growth and learning in the job. Because Generation Y actually wants to learn! Almost 60% of 1000 respondents believe they can learn from their managers - so it would be crazy not to offer it.

2. Use the right communication:

Prepare to communicate with Generation Y in a whole new way. 

Generation Y is the first generation to grow up with technology. As such, the generation has acquired a number of digital skills that also play a role in their communication style. 

While in the old days candidates were invited to interview over the phone, a report from NPR suggests that Generation Y definitely won't listen to a voicemail. Instead, it's worth considering sending a text message when setting up interviews. This avoids you calling each other out of sequence and saves time for both you and the candidate.

You can also consider communicating via social media. In a survey, a group of Millennials were asked which medium they use to communicate. Thirty-eight percent answered that they primarily used social media. Of course, LinkedIn is the obvious choice for work-related contexts.

3. Make use of coaching strategies

Studies suggest that Generation Y is looking for jobs with strong leadership and learning opportunities. According to an Harvard Business Review article Gen Yers crave a coach - and the positive impact of coaching directly reflects on their continued success in the job market.

Generation Y's craving for guidance is no exception in the hiring process. Show your candidates that you are here to support them. If you're communicative and helpful during the hiring process, candidates can see that you can give them the kind of coaching they're looking for to improve their skills in the workplace too.

4. Give refusals with respect:

As a recruiter, you can support your company's reputation by giving candidates a positive experience with you - even if they don't end up getting the job. If your company has a good reputation, you're more likely to attract good and committed candidates. 

Especially with Generation Y, word is spreading fast. The generation communicates more than ever before via social media, and communication often happens in real time - before the experience has sunk in. It's important that you show respect as a recruiter - especially when giving a rejection - so the good word spreads about your company.

Elvium - smart and efficient recruitment system

But the recruitment process is long and expensive. It's time-consuming to respond to each and every applicant - and even more time-consuming to dig through piles of applications and sift through the market to select the top candidates. 

Fortunately, we can help you with that at Elvium. We have developed a smart recruitment systemthat ensures all candidates receive a friendly and timely response. The system also helps with the recruitment process. The system will automatically show you a candidate field on LinkedIn based on skills, education and experience - so you can hire the best people quickly.

Contact Elvium today to learn more about how we can help you streamline your recruitment process.

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